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50 Best Safe ROM Sites To Download ROMs & Emulators (2022)

If you are searching a website to download free ROMs and Emulators. So, Here is the list of 50 Best Safe ROM Sites Downloading websites list to Download ROMs and Emulators.

Top 50 Best Safe ROM Sites To Download ROMs and Emulators

(Fast, Trusted, Safest and Secure)

Download Free ROMs and Emulators For Super Famicom/Super Nintendo Entertainment System, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox 360, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Famicom/Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo Switch, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Wii, Xbox, Xbox One, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, Atari VCS/2600, SNK Neo Geo, Magnavox Odyssey, Colecovision, Sega Saturn, PC Engine, Intellivision, Sega Master System, Atari Jaguar and All Other Emulators etc.

#1 –

Free ROMs Download for Android, PC, Mac or iPhone.

romspedia is The biggest encyclopedia for ROMs and ISOs where you can find various information about the video games and also get Free ROMs and Emulators of GBA, GB, GBC, NDS, N64, NES, SNES, PS1, PS2, PSP console systems and Free ISOs, Download Games, Covers and Sounds.

#2 –

FREE ROMs and Emulators Download For GameCube, GBA, WII, GBC, SNES, PS2, PSX, N64 etc.

#2 -

Download Game ROMs absolutely Free on Play your favorite Video Game ROMs on Android, PC and other Devices. This website is devoted to prominent games and consoles of the past. The sole limitations of the former games were poor graphics.

One may use this website for downloading PSX ISOS and PSP ISOS games. With these files, one can strongly design PlayStation environment and play the well liked games. The retro games like PacMan and Super Mario are re-collecting players despite of having high resolution games.

#3 –

Download ROMs and Emulators on Your Computer or Phone.

#3 - ROMsoPedia.jpg

Download ROMs for Free on Find and play the complete list of ROM games for Android, PC and other devices.
Romsopedia is one of the most famous website for downloading a wide range of gaming system ROMs and emulators for GB, GBA, GBC, GC, NES, NDS, WII, SNES, GameCube and Neo Geo.

#4 –

Explore Archive of Free Games Including MODs, RomHacks, Fan Translations and Rare Games.

One can search their compilation of ISOs and ROMs and download them for free. More than thirteen thousand games are available for PS2, PSP, PSX, GameCube and others. The site concentrates on unknown games that are rarely heard of and also the classics that everybody cherishes for lifetime. This includes Japan exclusives, PAL only, romhaks, fan translations, mods, homebrew games, emulators and others.

CDromance expands its methodology all the time and enhances the user interface to come up with rapid search and clear to diminish the names effortlessly. One can explore games by the name, game ID or also CRC-32. Accurate information about each game is provided in order that one knows everything before downloading. Downloads are rapid and limitless for everybody and it is free of cost.

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#5 –

A Digital Park For Gamers.

This is one of the rapid video games downloading sites. Players can download games and it is free of charge.

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#6 –

Console ROMs on Demand Available for Computer or Phone.

This site has highest compilation of console ROMs and emulators and the prominent consoles like GBA, NDS, N64, PS, SNES, SEGA and others are available.

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#7 –

One can play classis video games on their mobile phone. – The website provides games for more than twenty five consoles. Emulators are available for Android, for iOS (JAILBROKEN), for iOS ( non-jailbroken ) and for windows phone. Various ROM files are available like Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, Atari Jaguar, Atari Lynx, Commodore 64 and others.

#8 – is a very good website for downloading safe ROMs. The user interface is easy to understand and mobile adaptive too.
One can select ROMs according to their preferences and user reviews are also provided. The website has a lot of advertisements and one has to wait sometime before downloading the ROM.

#9 –

In this download page one will observe all varieties of evocative ROMs for distinct systems that one may download and can indulge themselves in their best-loved video games on personal computers and mobile phones. is continually adding further names and systems, so individuals should bookmark their page and keep an eye here for up to date names.

#10 –

The well liked ROMs that are available here are Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, Pokémon Ultra Moon, Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon , Pokémon Sword, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario 3D Land and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

The contemporary ROMs are star wars rogue one pinball, Scene It? Movie Night, Trash Panic, Page Chronica, Star Ocean: The Second Story and others.

The well liked consoles are Game Boy (GB), Game Boy Color, GameCube, GBA, NES, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 64 and others.

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#11 –

The well liked console ROMS are Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo WII, Play station Portable, PlayStation 2, GameCube, Play station, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Dreamcast, Gameboy Color, Gameboy, SEGA Genesis, Microsoft Xbox, Mame 037b11, SEGA Saturn, VTech V Smile, Atari 2600, ZX Spectrum, SNK Neo Geo, Game Gear, Watara Supervision, Capcom, Play System, Intellivision, Nokia N Gage, Amiga 500, Atari 7800 ProSystem, ColecoVision, Atari 5200 SuperSystem, Atari 800, Atari Jaguar, Epoch super Cassette Vision, Hartung Game Master, Nintendo Virtual Boy, Commodore Max Machine and others.

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#12 –

The full form of ROM is Read Only Memory. This is the type of software that takes in computer systems and permits individuals to enjoy the game play. Retro games accompany cassettes that have a game on them. One cassette contains one game though occasionally a cassette has several games.

PlayStation 2 is one of the most commonly accepted consoles incessantly and has lots of fans around the globe. Though, this is not the sole quick fix. Other well liked articles are Xbox One family, SNES/ Super Famicom which has substantial library of excellent games like Super Mario 2 and Super Metroid.

Nintendo Switch, Nintendo 3DS ( the most eminent games are The Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem), PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360 ( one of the finest selling consoles ) and Nintendo Wii are the various consoles that one may select according to their preferences.

The eminent game ROMs are Pokémon, Super Mario World, Pokémon – Sapphire Version, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country.

The options of free ROMs are enormous but it is difficult to select magnificent choices. If one does not want to spend their time on exploring, this website will be of great help. This site will assist oneself to discover excellent ROM games that will reach the needs of the most demanding players. The video games include Super Mario, Zelda, Tekken 3, Grand Theft Auto, Pokémon and others.

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#13 –

ROMs are primarily a game file. In the classical times, games are played on consoles, few varieties of cassettes of video games are used and that are packed with games software, also called games ROMs. However, in recent times consoles are replaced by emulators. ROMs files are required to play the well liked games.

Users all over the world have pulled out the ROMs file and gave way on At present one can download the well liked game ROM file from here and can play the game.

If one has the well liked game ROM on the system and no console, then one requires an emulator of that console to play that ROM file. Emulator is an effective machine for one’s console device.

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#14 –

Best Safe ROM Sites To Download ROMs & Emulators -
Best Safe ROM Sites To Download ROMs & Emulators –

ROMs world online is a plan of action where numerous gaming ROMs are accessible for different varieties of emulators in order that individuals can enjoy their youth games that got corroded with times yet very special to all. The games are of distinct varieties and that encompasses adventure, thrill-action, mystery and strategic games where individuals may flaunt their gaming expertise and reasoning. The games may be easy or may be difficult and that depend on individual’s preferences. These are important games that are very distinctive. ROMs world have all the games and these can be played free of cost. Video game ROMs are a segment of software that can be installed effortlessly on the device.

Gaming ROMs of all eminent companies that created major games are provided here. The games are Game Boy Advance (GBA). Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), Nintendo DS (NDS), Game Boy Color (GBC), Game Boy (GB), Nintendo 64 (N64), Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME), SEGA, Atari Technology and Research Institute 2600 (ATARI), and Neo-Geo ROMs. Emulators are also provided on Play station X (PSX), Play station 2 (PS2), Play Station Portable (PSP), GameCube Nintendo (GCN), Nintendo Wii, Dreamcast (DS) and XBOX ISOs. One can explore their well liked one and play under single platform.

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#15 –

Individuals can download and play classic games on their personal computers, Mac or Android device. One can download emulator games or may play online in browser free of cost. The consoles are Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Color, Play station, Play station Portable, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo, Gameboy, Play station 2, GameCube, MAME 037b11, SEGA Genesis, Amiga 500, Game Gear, Atari 2600, Amstrad CPC, SNK Neo Geo, ZX Spectrum and many more.

#16 – is a detail compilation for retro games or well known as ROM games. These retro games or ROMs (read only memory), consist of game software code that one may download and pack on emulators. Emulators are software that function like the authentic game consoles, and can read the distinct ROMs, in consequence permitting individuals to play ROMs on their beloved devices that is personal computer, Mac or Android.

The contemporary ROMs are The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (V1.2), Uranai Demo Shite Miyouka DS and others.
The most favoured ROMs include Pokémon Glazed, Pokémon – Black Version, Pokémon – Heart Gold Version, Pokémon – Fire Red Version (V1.1), Pokémon – Soul Silver Version and others.

#17 –

This site is devoted to offering the favoured NES ROMs, exemplar Nintendo game info (8-bit NES) on the network. More than three fifty NES games are available here, multicoloured NES manuals in Adobe PDF format, NES ROMs, NES Cartridges and authentic NES game box photos, NES game screenshots, NES game Music, user reviews, user evaluation, the potentiality to download NES emulators and many more.

Some of the well accepted games provided by this website encompass The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, and Castlevania etc.

#18 –

Various classic games are available here like Pokémon Ash Gray Version, Super Mario Bros.3, Super Mario Bros, Pokémon X and Y, Sonic Classic Heroes Super Mario World (beta) and others. This site is uncomplicated and effortless. The site provides ROMs for consoles such as Nintendo, PlayStation, Game Boy and more. Individuals have to choose the console and download the ROM from the right panel.

#19 –

This is the up to date website and braces mobile- friendly design. User enrolment and evaluation are present. One can share ROM compilations with buddies and ROM suggestions are attuned to individuals.

The most accepted ROMs are The King of Fighters 2002, Metal Slug 3, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future, Super Mario Bros.( play choice 10), Cadillac and dinosaurs (World 930201), Neo-Geo, Metal Slug 4, Marvel Vs Cap corn: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980112) and The King of Fighters’98 – dream match never ends.

#20 –

Preserving the Classics.

This is one of the safest ROM site for downloading ROMs. The site consists of the CRC, MD5 and Hash Code of the ROMs one is downloading, and these ROMs can be verified on

The site has no advertisements, no exasperating popup and provides direct download links

This plot is devoted to reminiscences for enormous computer games ever designed. On the inside one will discover lots of games, multicolored instruction books, user ratings and evaluation and many more things. If one is thinking of for a few videogame memories, one will certainly discover everything one desires.

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#21 –

This site has highest compilation of console ROMs and emulators and the prominent consoles like GBA, NDS, N64, PS, SNES, SEGA and others are available.

#22 –

The website braces games like PS2, MAME, Neo Geo and C64. Individuals can play PSP, PS, NDS, GBA, SNES, N64, Wii, GameCube, NES, GBC, Genesis, Dream Cast, Game Gear, GB, WSC/WS, Atari 2600, PCE, SMS, NGP, MSX and MSX 2.

#23 –

The Arcade Machine You Need.

DraStic DS Emulator:

Drastic is the speedy Nintendo DS emulator that provides high resolution and upgraded 3D graphics. This is one of the prominent NDS emulators available on the Play Store with choices to save and load games, make use of cheat codes and correspond one’s best-loved controllers and arcade plays. Having said that there is absence of a multiplayer Wi-Fi future in the emulator and this is the finest Android emulator for NDS.


DeSmuMe is a quality Nintendo DS emulator for Windows and Mac OS X. In 2006 the emulator had numerous releases and updates; the last release was on April, 2015. The emulator runs on C++ and therefore needs extra DLLs for running. More or less all Nintendo DS run on this emulator, but viruses are present from time to time. There is a steady plan of action for cheat codes and demonstration variety for Wi-Fi support, yet proprietors suggest keeping away from the usage of Wi-Fi.

NDS Emulator for Android:

NDS emulator for Androids is rapid and trustworthy Android Nintendo DS emulator and has a entire catalogue of circumstances like cheat support and portrait and landscape orientation options.


Project 64 is regarded as the finest executing Nintendo 64 emulator for Microsoft Windows. The emulator lays hold of the leverage of the plug-in configuration that permits everybody to join their own plug-in elements and attain determined features. The project was launched in the nineties and however is steadily expanded. C is used for writing and braces more or less all N64 games with some or hardly any viruses.
The frequently downloaded ROMs are Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, Pokémon Heart Gold, Pokémon Black Version 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, New Super Mario Bros., Pokémon Platinum and others.

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#24 –

The website has numerous ROM games and emulators and one may spend the time searching for them. The most accepted games are Super Mario, Pokémon, Contra, Zelda, Crash Bandicoot, Tekken 3, God of War, Grand Theft Auto, Monster Hunter and specific emulators for Nintendo, PS1, PS2, PSP, Wii, GameCube, and GBA can be downloaded effortlessly on this website. The website offers a huge compilation of emulators and the most popular ROMs for downloads. One can play games on PC, tablet or mobile device and the website has ROMs for android, IOS, personal computers and emulators too.

#25 – is devoted to look after numerous ROMs retrieved from former computer systems, video games, consoles, terminals, hand held and desktop games and also old computer equipments.

#26 –

Retrostic focuses to provide every possible recorded classic game in a form of ROM or ISO. One will find many emulators to run these ROM and ISO files and enjoy their gaming experience. The objective of the website is to provide direct download links with no.exe files and bugs. More than seventy thousand games are available here together with more than forty consoles.

#27 –

Individuals may download ROMs and emulators like Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Gameboy Advance, PlayStation, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Dreamcast, SEGA Genesis, Microsoft Xbox, MAME 037b11, Sega Saturn, VTech V Smile, Atari 2600 and ZX Spectrum.

#28 –

Individuals should download ROMs and emulators free of cost from ROMsMania and play games of their choice on PC, Mac, IOS or Android devices. This site also provides direct download links. Though games are limited here but the games are compiled at a single place, which is very good.

The website has lots of advertisements and they are infuriating. Individuals may use Ad blocker to prevent this.

#29 – offers an easy procedure for individuals to download video game ROMs and play them on computers or online through the browser. Emulators are offered that can play the ROM one download. Individuals can play the well liked Nintendo and Sony game consoles like GBA, SNES, NES, GBC, N64, NDS, PSP, PS2 PSX, Wii and Gameboy ROMs. The website has downloaded ROMs for other game emulators like ATARI, SEGA, XBOX, DREAMCAST and MAME.

#30 –

One can download game ROMs and play their favourite games on computer or mobile phone. The popular game ROMs are Earthbound, Super Mario RPG – Legend of the Seven Stars, Pokémon Conquest, Golden Sun – The Lost Age, Final Fantasy 6 Advance, Mario Kart Wii, Animal Crossing – Wild World, Kirby and The Amazing Mirror and others.

#31 –

A ROM game is played with the help of an emulator. Emulators are of two types – high level and low level. In the low level emulation, the personal computer professes to be the video game console whereas in high level, the PC offers software hooks for the game to operate on its hardware.

#32 –

One can explore a lot of cool games like contemporary and classic games. Those classic games that one played as kids are available here. One can download the games on computer, tablet, mobile phone and other devices. Emulators are used to transfer the retro games to a computer version.

#33 –

Portal ROMs have all ROMs ISOS like PSX, PS1, PS2, PSP, Arcade, 3DS, Wii, GameCube, SNES, Mega drive, Nintendo 64, GBA and huge compilation of CoolROM. Portal ROMs has a specific compilation of retro games, well known as ROM games. These retro games or ROMs encompasses the game software code that can be downloaded and packed on emulators.

The prime objective behind the creation of the site is to offer free ROMs to its users in just one click. The squad accumulates the distinct ROMs from several sources and offer the ROMs with a real guide and straight download link. All ROMs are examined properly and then uploaded on the website. This website always looks after user interests.

#34 –

SonyISOs is an enormous instinctive upgraded downloaded site for specific console games. Up to date attributes are included every time to make the site greater. The site is entirely free for everyone.

#35 –

This website is the best safe ROMs site where one can download all types of games.

#36 –

On this site one can observe ROMs and ISOs games for different platforms and for each platform emulator is suggested. All downloads are accessible through torrent, which is the shrewd procedure to share files. The files that are accessible on the website are free of bugs and malevolent executables.

#37 –

Numerous ROMs games are available here like Forge of Empire Free, PS2 Emulator for Android, Super Mario World SNES, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Super Mario Advance 4 – Super Mario Bros. 3, Pokémon – Leaf Green Version (V1.1), Pokémon – Ruby Version (V1.1) and many others.

#38 –

The ROMS games that are accessible on this website are Metal Slug Anthology (USA) PS2 ISO, The Matrix: Path of Neo (USA) PS2 ISO, Metal Slug 3 (EUR) PS2 ISO, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (USA) PS2 ISO, The Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (USA) PS2 ISO, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (USA) PS2 ISO, The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest (USA) PS2 ISO, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon (USA) PS2 ISO and Looney Tunes: Space race (USA) PS2 ISO.

#39 –


#40 –

The games do not need any passwords yet if they require it one must click above the link. The contemporary ROMs games that are uploaded on this website encompasses Silent Hill HD Collection (USA) PS3 ISO, TRANSFORMERS: BATTLEGROUNDS (Region Free) PC, NASCAR Heat 5 ((Region Free) PC and much more.

#41 –

The free ROMs games that are accessible on this website are CD-i, PCECD, Dreamcast, 3DO, NGCD ISOs, MAME. One can play NES, SNES, Game BOY, Genesis games directly within the browser and Adobe Flash is required. Other games like NEC Turbo Grafx CD and Sega CD ISOs are also available.

#42 –

Individuals can search ROMs, games, ISOs and many more things. The games that are available here are Nintendo Gameboy Color, PlayStation, Nintendo Gameboy Advance, PlayStation Portable and Super Nintendo.

#43 –

This is one of the best ROM sites for classic consoles.

#44 –

One of the great source for downloading classic console games from Atari to PSP. One may select and looks the game and go ahead downloading with limitless high speed download. The latest uploads include Capcom Fighting Evolution PS2 ISO, Call of Duty World at War Final Fronts PS2 ISO and others.

#45 –

The topmost emulators and ROMs available on this website includes Super Mario Bros 2, Fate-Extra, Metroid PRIME – Trilogy, Super Punch – Out, Mario Party 5, Pokémon Green, Paper Mario (V2) and several other games.

#46 –

From this website one can glimpse an enormous list of PS4 games that can be downloaded and are free of cost. The website provides free PS4 games and codes.

#47 –

This site embraces super Nintendo console and how with the assistance of software people can play games of this console on home personal computer.

SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) is the console that this site braces. People require an emulator and ROMS games to play SNES games on personal computers.

Different types of games are available here like adventure games, board games, arcade games, card games, flying games, fighting games, shooting games, skill games, sports games and many more. Individuals need to download the games and then play.

#48 –

The website provides games that one can play on personal computers, several emulators like Atari Games (ROMs) Emulator, Play Station 2 emulator for Windows, SNES emulator for Windows, PPSSPP Emulator for PSP on Windows, SEGA CD – emulator, MAME32 Download Emulator for MAME ROMs, DOSbox are available. One can also play SNES games here.

#49 –

The site was launched in April 2017 and is one of the finest SNES ROM sites.

This site takes care of classic games, books, websites, software, video, audio and various electronic schemes. Individuals will receive direct download links without any advertisements. The site encompasses ROMs from more than sixty consoles.

#50 –

The site is dedicated to the emulation of video games on console, arcade machine and computers. All through the years, the site has developed into a display case of the retro video games.

The supports that are required for consoles, computers and arcade machines that have determined the world of contemporary video games are available on Emurom.

Nintendo, Sega, Sony consoles and retro tape computers are present here. The site provides the finest emulators accessible.


#51 –

Here the arcades are MAME and Non-MAME. The consoles includes 3DO, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 7800, ColecoVision, Game Boy, Game Gear, GBA, Master System, PC engine, NES, Saturn, Intellivision, Jaguar, Lynx, Master System, Mega drive, Neo Geo Pocket, Neo Geo CD, Nintendo 64, Odyssey, PC Engine, PlayStation Super NES, Virtual Boy, Wonder Swan and others.


There are very less choices when it comes to best and Safe ROM sites to download your favorite ISOs, ROMs and Emulators. All the above best Safe ROMs downloading websites are recommended here. Beside ROMs, one will get emulators to run the games evenly in several distinct consoles.

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